The method used worldwide for treating different types of addiction is the A A Twelve Steps program. Participants attend meetings freely or as a part of a prescribed recovery program. Meetings have been portrayed on television and movies but someone attending for the first time may still feel anxious. This article contains information on what to expect at a meeting.
The meetings are usually held in a public building where there is a lot of parking. There will be groups of people chatting inside and outside the building. Coffee and light snacks are often served inside.
The chairperson or group secretary will announce the meeting is starting. There will first be a moment of silence or everyone will recite the Serenity Prayer together. Then guests and newcomers will be welcomed to the meeting.
People will then share their experiences in recovery by either volunteering or being called upon. There is no requirement that a person speak, they can pass or ask to be called on later. During the meeting no one will interrupt or cross talk. The meetings provide a safe place for a person to share. No one is judged or told what they should do.
There will be a pause for announcements and collection of funds. As a part of tradition established by Alcoholics Anonymous, each group is to be fully self-supporting and decline outside contributions. New comers are also not allowed to contribute to the support until they fully understand what the meetings are about.
When the meeting is over, everyone will recite the Lords Prayer or Serenity Prayer. The meetings usually last between one hour to ninety minutes. They are not religious and do not take any position on political issues or controversies. They refer to a Higher Power that is to be interpreted in which ever way works best for the member.
When traveling a person can attend an A A Twelve Steps meeting at any location and feel at home. The meetings are held worldwide adhering to basically the same format. Numerous recovery groups use the method and it has worked for over two million people.
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